Take the #PoppyPromise

Poppyscotland provides life-changing support to the Armed Forces community

The money we raise from the Scottish Poppy Appeal and our year-round fundraising enables us to deliver support to members of the Armed Forces community across Scotland. Progress has been made, but from our experience of working with and on behalf of this community, there is still more to do.

Local councils play a huge role in helping serving personnel, veterans and their families. The public services provided by councils, such as housing, education, transport, social care and benefits, amongst more, are relied upon. However, some members of our Armed Forces community are still suffering disadvantage in accessing these local services and the support they receive can be a postcode lottery. When this disadvantage occurs, it is often because there is little understanding of the unique nature of their military service.

With voters going to the polls in all 32 Scottish local authorities on 5th May 2022 to elect their local councillors, we have published a five point #PoppyPromise that we are urging ALL candidates in the upcoming election to sign. Find out who has made the #PoppyPromise by clicking the link below.

Ballot Box

Share your support on social media using #PoppyPromise

See who has made the #PoppyPromise

If I am elected I take the #PoppyPromise to:

  1. Promote the Armed Forces Act 2021 to ensure that my local authority pays due regard to the Armed Forces Covenant.
  2. Listen to the voices of the Armed Forces community in the delivery of local services.
  3. Encourage charities and businesses in the ward I represent to sign the Armed Forces Covenant.
  4. Do my bit to support Poppyscotland’s work to help all those who are serving, have served in the Armed Forces and their families.
  5. Submit a Council motion recommitting the Council to supporting the Armed Forces Community.

Now is the opportunity for candidates seeking your vote to demonstrate to the Armed Forces community that they recognise their service and sacrifice and will act decisively to support them to lead healthy, successful and fulfilling lives if elected.

If you are a candidate in the election please do let us know that you will stand behind our Armed Forces community by taking the #PoppyPromise below. A list of signatories will be published on our website. Please show your support on social media pledging your support using the hashtag #PoppyPromise.

Take the #PoppyPromise

Let's stay in touch

Poppyscotland takes your privacy very seriously and we want to assure you that your personal information is safe with us and we will never sell your details.

We can only continue our vital work with the Armed Forces community with your help. To keep up to date about what we do and about how you can help change lives, please select all that apply:

For extra peace of mind about how we keep your details secure, please read our Privacy Promise.

Privacy statement

At Poppyscotland we take your privacy seriously and we will only use the information you have provided on this form to process your enquiry as quickly and efficiently as possible.

We will use the contact details you have provided to process your enquiry and in order to provide a reply, where appropriate. If consent has been given above will may also contact you relating to other Poppyscotland activities we feel would be of interest to you.

We will not share your data and promise to keep your personal information safe and secure.

We will hold your personal data for 36 months OR until you withdraw your consent. If you would like to withdraw your consent for the processing of your personal information please contact enquiries@poppyscotland.org.uk.

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