Poppyscotland Manifesto 2021

Military personnel continue to experience disadvantage during and after their service and we are calling on politicians from all parties to take urgent action.

We launched our first ever manifesto ahead of the 2021 Scottish Parliamentary elections, setting out six actions that we believe should be taken to improve the support available for the Armed Forces community in Scotland.

Download our 2021 Manifesto

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Our recommendations

They have served for us. Now it is time for us to give back to them.

Based on our vision for a better future, please see below our six recommendations to the Scottish Government to ensure we deliver for our Armed Forces community living in Scotland.

For an engaged Armed Forces community

Recommendation 1:
Involve the Armed Forces community in Scotland in policy working groups in order to capture and consider the experiences of serving personnel, veterans and their families.
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For a healthier Armed Forces community

Recommendation 2:
Introduce a Veterans’ Patient Satisfaction Survey to empower veterans to provide tailored feedback on the quality of specialist care they receive; and then act on the results of the Survey.
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For a secure Armed Forces community

Recommendation 3:
Establish a Veterans’ Housing Action Group with powers to review challenging cases, oversee the effective implementation of the Veterans’ Housing Pathway and act on any recommendations it makes.
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For a skilled Armed Forces community

Recommendation 4:
Commission and act on an independent review of existing targeted provision aimed at supporting the most vulnerable serving personnel and veterans to experience a ‘good transition.’
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For a thriving Armed Forces community

Recommendation 5:
Lead a public awareness campaign to promote the positive message that veterans and their families are assets, are highly skilled and worth investing in throughout Scottish workplaces and society.
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For a supported Armed Forces community

Recommendation 6:
Fully exempt military compensation from financial assessments for social security benefits.
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Get in touch

For more information relating to our manifesto, or to request a larger print version, please email PublicAffairsScotland@poppyscotland.org.uk

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