Poppy Bounce

We want to put the ‘fun’ back into fundraising.

Create your own Poppy Bounce event and help our veterans bounce back into civilian life.  You decide how, where and when – and create your own bounce challenge!

Here’s how to get started in five easy steps (or bounces!).

1. Decide how you want to Bounce

We will provide you with space hoppers to use… but you could use a trampoline, a bouncy ball, a pogo stick, or even a bouncy castle.

2. Create your Bounce challenge

Get a group together to have a bounce race over 100m or challenge people to guess how many bounces you can achieve in 10 minutes!

3. Choose your Bounce location

You can hold your event at your school, your local park, on the beach or even in your own back garden.

4. Download our Bounce fundraising pack

Download our Poppy Bounce materials for ideas and inspiration, and let everyone know when, where and how you’re bouncing.

5. Get in touch

Don’t forget to let us know your plans. We're here to support you with your fundraising and answer any questions you may have. Send us photos and tag us in on social media using @poppyscotland and #BigPoppyBounce #TeamPoppy and #BehindThemAlways.

Email us at FundraiseForUs@poppyscotland.org.uk or get in touch with your regional fundraiser using the button below.

Your local fundraiser

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