Remembrance 2023

Remembrance honours those who serve to defend our democratic freedoms and way of life.

We unite across faiths, cultures and backgrounds to remember the service and sacrifice of the Armed Forces community from Britain and the Commonwealth.

Remembrance in Scotland is led by the Legion Scotland, who organise parades and services at War Memorials and churches across the country.


Armistice Day, Saturday 11th November 2023

Armistice Day is commemorated every year on 11th November to mark the armistice signed between Britain and its allies and Germany, which brought the First World War to an end.

We ask the nation to join us in observing the Two Minute Silence at 11am, and to reflect on the service and sacrifice of our Armed Forces past and present.


Remembrance Sunday, Sunday 12th November 2023

Marked on the Sunday closest to Armistice Day, Remembrance Sunday is marked by ceremonies at war memorials in cities, towns and villages across the country.

Often organised by local branches of Legion Scotland, these ceremonies centre around the Act of Remembrance which is brief and non-religious. Find out more below.


The Act of Remembrance

The Act of Remembrance being short and non-religious makes it exceptionally well-suited to personalised commemorations. You may assemble whatever readings, music or other elements you wish to accompany the Act of Remembrance in order to make your own ceremony or event relevant to your particular community.

Legion Scotland doesn't prescribe what these should be, but services should be inclusive of all members of the community.

The Act of Remembrance consists of the following:

  • The Exhortation is recited (see below)
  • The Last Post is sounded, followed by a Piper Lament
  • The Two Minute Silence is observed
  • Reveille is sounded
  • The Kohima Epitaph is recited - optional (see below)

The Exhortation

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:

Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.

At the going down of the sun and in the morning

We will remember them.

The Kohima Epitaph

When you go home, tell them of us and say,

For your tomorrow, we gave our today.

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